Ethereum: Cashaddr (bech32) to legacy address format convertor for Bitcoin Cash

Convert Ethereum Cashadd (BECH32) into inherited management format for effective bitcoin

Ethereum Cashaddr (Bech32) has been adopted by some users as a convenient way to address transactions in the Ethereum Network. However, this format is not directly compatible with the Bitcoin Legacy cash wallets and the block chain. In this article, we will explore how to convert the BECH32 Ethereum addresses generated for Bitcoin Cash in its Bitcoin Legacy Equivalent cash addresses.

** What is Bech32?

Bech32 is a standardized format used in multiple cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum. It was designed as an alternative to the traditional address system based on Merkle Bitcoin trees. The BECH32 addresses are typically represented using the following pattern: Bitcoincash: q , where is the public key of Bitcoin Cash.

Effective management format of Bitcoin Legacy

Bitcoin Legacy cash addresses generally follow a different format, which is not directly compatible with Bech32. These formats often use a combination of characters and punctuation to represent the Bitcoin cash address. For example: BC1 .... To convert Bech32 into effective management format of Bitcoin Legacy, we will need to make some additional conversions.

Convert Bech32 to Legacy Bitcoin Cash Address Format

To convert an Ethereum Bech32 address into a format inherited from Bitcoin cash, you can use the following steps:

  • Remove the prefix q: Eliminate the`

  • Combine with the public key: Add the public key to the resulting chain.

Here is a sample conversion process:

Suppose we have an Ethereum Bech32 address:Bitcoincash: P …

  • Remove the ‘q: eliminate the prefix' q, leaving us with ‘bitcoca.

  • Combine with the public key: Add the public key to the resulting chain:BC1 …, whereIt is a private bitcoin cash of random Bitcoin.

The Effective Directorate of Bitcoin Legacy resulting would be:BC1 …

Example use case

Suppose you have an Ethereum wallet that generates BECCH32 ​​addresses like this:Bitcoincash: q . You can use the following Python script to convert these addresses into your Bitcoin Legacy Equivalent cash addresses:




Eliminate the prefix 'q'

Q_Prefix = Bech32_address.startswith ('Q') and Bech32_address [1:] or ''

Combine with the public key (assuming that it is in the "BC ...") format

Heracy_bc_address = f "bc {re.findall (r '[0-9a-fa-fa-f] {44}', Q_Prefix) [0]}"

Return legacy_bc_address

Example use

Bech32_address = 'bitcoincash: q ...'

Legacy_bc_address = bech32_to_legacy_bc (bech32_address)

Print (legacy_bc_address)

output: BC1 ...



In conclusion, the conversion of the directions of Ethereum Cashaddr (BECH32) to the Bitcoin Legacy cash addresses requires additional processing. This article has provided a step -by -step guide on how to achieve this conversion using the Python code. While there may be variations in the format used by different wallets and platforms, understanding these differences is essential for perfect integration with several cryptocurrency systems.

Note: It is always a good idea to verify the direction format of your wallet before trying any conversion, since the result can vary according to the specific implementation.

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